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Quality Cuts and Exceptional Service



Top Rated Barber as featured in:





Welcome to Top Gun barber – Where style meets precision!

Top Gun barber, we believe that a haircut is more than just a service; it’s an experience that transforms your look and boosts your confidence. Step into our modern and welcoming space, where our skilled barbers combine the timeless art of grooming with contemporary trends to deliver a personalized and exceptional grooming experience.

Why choose Top Gun barber for your next haircut?

1. **Expert Barbers:** Our team of highly trained and experienced barbers are dedicated to perfecting their craft. Whether you’re looking for a classic cut, a modern style, or a beard trim, our barbers are skilled in various techniques to cater to your unique preferences.

2. **Customized Services:** We understand that each client is unique, and so are their style preferences. Our barbers take the time to listen to your needs and provide personalized consultations, ensuring that you leave our shop with a haircut that complements your individual style.

3. **Relaxing Atmosphere:** Sit back, relax, and enjoy the laid-back ambiance of Top Gun Barber. Our welcoming environment is designed to make you feel comfortable and at ease while you get pampered by our skilled barbers.

4. **Quality Products:** We use only the finest grooming products to ensure that your hair and beard receive the care they deserve. From premium styling products to top-of-the-line clippers, we invest in quality tools to deliver outstanding results.

5. **Community Vibes:** Top Gun Barber isn’t just a place to get a haircut; it’s a community hub where you can connect with others who appreciate the art of grooming. Join us for lively conversations, good music, and an overall enjoyable experience.

Whether you’re due for a trim, a complete style overhaul, or just want to maintain your current look, Top Gun Barber is your go-to destination for top-notch grooming services. Book your appointment today and discover the difference a skilled barber can make in enhancing your style and confidence!




To cater to various budgets for barbering services, you can offer different tiers of service:

1. **Walk-in Budget Barbering Service**: This can be a basic haircut service that is efficient and affordable. Allocate around 15 to 20 minutes per customer for this service to ensure you can cater to walk-ins promptly. Hair cut from $25 Cash only

2. **Online Service**: For online services, you can offer consultations, tutorials, or advice on hair care and styling. This can be priced differently from in-person services and can vary in duration based on the specific service offered.

3. **Stylish Haircut or Services**: For more time-consuming or intricate services, such as styling, fades, or detailed designs, allocate 45 minutes to 60 minutes per customer. These services might be priced higher due to the extra time and expertise required. Call for booking

Here’s a breakdown of time allocation for each service:

– **Walk-in Budget Barbering Service**: 15 to 20 minutes hair cut per customer
– **Online Service**: Duration varies based on the service offered
– **Stylish Haircut or Services**: 45 minutes to 60 minutes per customer call us to book 

By offering different tiers of service, you can cater to a wider range of budgets and preferences while ensuring that each customer receives the attention and quality service they deserve.

However, priority goes to online booking.

Online booking Prices

 Hair cut or skin fade   $35    with wash  +$5

Hair & Beard Trim, lineup  with Razor and hot towel   $55

Hair and Beard trim, lineup with Trimer only     $45

Beard trim and lineup with razor $25

Beard trim and lineup with trimer  $15

Hot towel shave  $35

Gray coverage  $35

Eyebrows threading  $15